At Cheadle Catholic Infant School we offer a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.
Our aim is to provide secure foundations for future learning, We want to ensure that our children acquire knowledge and understanding through a love of learning. We want to nurture a belief that nothing is impossible and that all barriers to learning can be overcome. Our ambition for all our children is for them to be happy, respectful, loving, caring, confident and resilient learners who will grow up to be inspirational adults who will 'shine' in all that they do.
Our Curriculum aims to develop our pupils by encouraging them to:
LOVE: A curriculum that provides opportunities for children to develop love for each other, themselves, God's world and a love of learning. A curriculum that ensures that every child feels loved, valued and cared for.
RESPECT: A curriculum where children are encouraged to develop mutual respect and tolerance for each other.
SHINE: A curriculum that provides a secure foundation for future learning. A curriculum that ensures that all children have the necessary knowledge and understanding needed to 'shine' in all aspects of their lives.
The place of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
It is important to recognise the role of the school in promoting these areas of development. We want to have a positive effect on how children think about themselves and the world, about their notions of right and wrong, how they relate to others and their appreciation of the richness of their own and other ways of life.
Spiritual Development at Cheadle Catholic Infant School:
We believe this relates to individual identity and the search for meaning and purpose in our existence. At Cheadle Catholic Infant School, we aim to contribute to our children’s sense of dignity, self-value, personal identity. We want our children to think, appreciate, reflect, question, overcome, wonder, love, shine, respect and work together.
Moral Development at Cheadle Catholic Infant School:
We believe that moral development relates to human behaviour, distinguishing the difference between right and wrong. At Cheadle Catholic Infant School, our moral teaching is based formally on the teachings of Christ and of the Catholic Church. We work towards pupils developing the ability to make judgements and to become increasingly responsible for their own actions and behaviour. We do so through a clear behaviour policy that is shared with all children and parents. Expectations of good behaviour are high throughout the school. We use restorative approaches when dealing with any negative behaviour. We encourage pupils to think about how their behaviour affects others, both pupils staff. We help pupils to develop respect, responsibility and truth telling
Social Development at Cheadle Catholic Infant School:
We believe that social development helps our children understand how live effectively and empathetically in and through community. We believe that good relationships , based on mutual respect and love are the key to a harmonious environment where all can work together towards the common good. Social development at Cheadle Catholic Infant School enables pupils to participate fully in their family, class, and school, local and wider communities. Social development embeds our wider curriculum, behaviour policy and the teachings of the Church. It is corroborated with our ongoing work to enable pupils to understand both Gospel and British values.
Cultural Development at Cheadle Catholic Infant School:
We believe that cultural development educates our children in beliefs and knowledge about cultures, diversity and traditions that make up a society. This starts with the school community, Church and Parish community, our wider local community, the national and international community. We believe that it is our duty to lead our children, through the development of respect and understanding, to develop a sense of identity, whilst at the same time acquiring awareness, understanding and tolerance to learn to live with a wider variety of people from different national, cultural, racial and religious backgrounds. We promote cultural development by giving pupils the opportunity to engage in a range of cultural activities so that they may appreciate aspects of their own and others cultural traditions.
Expectations for children leaving at the end of Year 2:
- To distinguish between right and wrong
- To take responsibility for their own actions
- To understand the long and short term consequences of their actions for themselves and others
- To respect each and every individual
- To begin to recognise the moral dimensions to situations.To be able to participate successfully in the community as a whole.
Implementation of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education:
In order to promote the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of our children we will:
- Ensure that the school and classroom environment is stimulating and well ordered to promote positive learning and encourage personal development and responsibility.
- Promote positive relationships with and respect for all individuals and groups.
- Through the implementation of the R.E. and RSE policies, lead children to an awareness of spiritual values and an understanding that, regardless of colour, sex, status or religion, God loves us all equally.
- Promote positive values, qualities and attitudes and discourage negative ones through the implementation of our school Behaviour Policy.
- Foster social skills through teamwork and co-operative projects and encourage development of social responsibility by support for charitable ventures.
This will be achieved through opportunities in the curriculum (see below for curriculum provision) and as part of daily school life:
- The School Council team will work with the Head Teacher on making decisions about the school that affect all members of the community.
- Playground Friends will organise activities at lunchtime and supervise younger members of the school.
- School will continue to give all pupils the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular activities, sport events, school trips and learning experiences, throughout the school year.
Provision for SMSC across and within the Curriculum:
English makes a major contribution to pupils’ SMSC development through:
- Developing confidence and expertise in language, which is an important aspect of individual and social identities
- Enabling pupils to understand and engage with the feelings and values embodied in high quality poetry and fiction.
- The promotion of a wide range of poets and authors from different cultural backgrounds.
- In Early Years this is promoted through Managing Feelings and Behaviours and Making Relationships.
Maths can provide a contribution to pupils’ SMSC by:
- Co-operation in investigations and practical activity.
- The ability to ‘reason.’
Religious Education makes a distinctive and substantial contribution to the delivery of SMSC
- Develop respect for the right of others to hold beliefs different from their own.
- Appreciation and understanding of different cultures, religions and traditions.
- Children are also taught the social responsibilities of the Church through CAFOD work, collecting food for local foodbanks etc
- This is explored in Early Years through People and Communities
- Relationship & sex education is taught by the Diocese approved scheme ‘Life to the Full.’
Science provides opportunities for pupils’ SMSC development through examples such as:
- Encouraging pupils to reflect on the wonder of the natural world
- Awareness of the ways that science and technology can affect society and the environment.
- Co-operation in practical activity.
- This is taught in Early Years through The World.
- Developing an awareness of how we can all be eco friendly and help the climate crisis.
Computing can contribute to SMSC development by:
- Making clear the guidelines about the ethical use of the internet and other forms of communication technology.
- Ensuring that awareness of E-safety is taught regularly throughout the year.
History makes a contribution to SMSC by:
- Looking at the establishment of multi-cultural Britain.
- Enabling pupils to reflect on issues such as wars.
Geography contributes to SMSC by:
- Reflecting on the fair distribution of the earth’s resources.
- Studying people and places that give pupils that chance to reflect on the social and cultural characteristics of society.
Design Technology makes a contribution to SMSC through:
- Reflecting on products and inventions, the diversity of materials and ways in which design technology can improve the quality of life.
Art may contribute to SMSC by
- Giving pupils the chance to reflect on nature, the environment and surroundings.
Music contributes to SMSC through;
- Teaching that encourages pupils to appreciate the music of other cultures.
- Looking at the way that music can change moods and behaviour.
Physical Education- Pupils’ SMSC development is actively promoted through PE by:
- Activities involving co-operation, teamwork, competition, rules, self-discipline and fair play
- Individual activities that provide the opportunity for self-reflection, awareness and challenge
PSHE-much work takes place in assemblies, prayer & liturgy, class discussion and PSHE lessons, giving pupils opportunities to:
- Talk about personal feelings and experiences.
- Share thoughts and feelings with other people.
- Explore relationships with family/friends/others.
- Discuss bullying & peer on peer abuse.
- Consider others’ needs and behaviour.
- Show empathy.
- Develop self-esteem and a respect for others.
- Develop a sense of belonging.