Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011. Its aims are to:-

  • To raise achievement and improve outcomes for children from low-income families eligible for free school meals (FSM), Looked After Children (LAC), children with parents in the Armed Forces or those who have been adopted
  • To increase social mobility
  • To enable more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to the top Universities
  • To reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils nationally

At Cheadle Catholic Infant School we ensure that all pupils have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities whilst ensuring we keep up-to-date with research around best practice surrounding the use of Pupil Premium Funding . We are constantly evaluating, reviewing and updating the ways in which we are diminishing any difference which may occur between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.

Main barriers to learning faced by Cheadle Catholic Infant School pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium:

  • Pupils working below age related expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths
  • Emotional and nurturing needs impacting upon behaviours for learning
  • Financial challenges leading to difficulties in meeting the cost of trips and extra curricular opportunities and clubs
  • Attendance at school
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25



Department for Education - Articles and advice for children and young people. 

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23
