Remote Learning

We have put together a remote learning package on the occasion of individual children or groups of children needing to isolate. There will be a slightly different approach depending on the circumstances for each child. This is due to the fact that the class teacher will only be available throughout the school day if the whole class bubble is self-isolating.

During lockdown, teachers posted class activities on the school website. If remote learning is needed again this will continue, however we also feel it would be of benefit to pupils if they were able to share their work with their teachers. Consequently, we have decided to use the Seesaw App to enable this sharing of work. Pupils will be able to send as little or as much of their work to their teacher while their teacher will be able to review and comment on it.

Seesaw is an app that allows teachers to assign learning activities to children. It also allows children the opportunity to share their learning with their teacher for feedback and acknowledgement.

  • Parents will download the Seesaw app or login through a website on a computer
  • (TIP: access is easier on a tablet or laptop where possible)
  • Students tap ’I’m a student.’
  • Please note that by setting up this App you will automatically be giving permission for the school to use this App with your child.
  • Each child will receive a unique home learning code which provides your child access to their class. This will be found in your child’s bag today.
  • Students scan their code using Seesaw’s built in QR code reader or type in their text code to access their Seesaw account.
  • Please note that each child will receive a unique code, so if you have three children in the school then you will receive 3 unique home learning codes (in three separate letters) for each of them to access their own class.
  • Post to your journal, respond to activities and view class announcements.
  • Remember, your code is like a password. Please keep it safe!
  • Pupils will not be able to see the work of any other pupils in the class.

Teachers will share a programme of work through the Seesaw app. This will be in the format that we have been using with our website posts.

Children will be instructed to share completed tasks via photo, video, uploading documents etc. (instructions will be included in the app)

Seesaw can be downloaded onto a device such as a phone or tablet or alternatively you can login online on a laptop or computer for example. Where possible, teachers will assign tasks that don’t require the child to use a device apart from uploading it.

Teachers will provide acknowledgement of completed learning tasks or feedback during the week. Where tasks are uploaded on a Friday, feedback may not be provided until the following week.

If you require support please email your class teacher and they will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

All the activities are optional and are only suggestions. If you download the app and your child completes only some tasks, this will still be great and keep them engaged and motivated in their learning. If not we totally understand that there could be several possible valid reasons why you have not engaged (lack of time, parents working, parents working from home, lack of suitable devices, somebody is ill etc.)

Scenario 1: Individual children across school need to self-isolate.

If an individual child is self-isolating the class teacher will email work home to complete. Obviously, this would only be when a child is well enough to do so. This will include online lessons from White Rose Maths and Oak Academy which will be matched to what the class are doing in school. Staff have spent time mapping these lessons to the curriculum that is to be taught in class. Teachers will make contact either by phone or by email and work can be emailed to teachers for feedback. They will offer as much support to these children as possible during the self-isolation period but won’t be available throughout the school day. If another member of staff is available to answer questions, they will do, but this may not always be possible.

Scenario 2: A Whole Class bubble need to self-isolate.

If a whole class bubble is self-isolating, then the class teacher will use Seesaw to provide a learning plan. This will include a range of independent work, White Rose Maths sessions and Oak Academy online lessons. The class teacher will also be available throughout school hours to answer questions from the children to aid their learning via email or SeeSaw. If the class teacher is off sick during this time Mrs Glynn and other members of the Senior Leadership Team will ensure that home learning is not compromised.